Chummie Bedwetting Alarm
Tel: (800) 230-6775

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About Us

Theos Medical Systems is a global incontinence systems and technology company. We manufacture the best and one of the largest range of portable, battery operated chummie bedwetting alarms, enuresis systems and incontinence supplies. Our products are aimed at stopping nocturnal enuresis in children, teens and adult bed wetting. We believes that quality and service are paramount for success.

Global Resources for Incontinence Treatment

Theos Medical Systems is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. We also maintain offices in Vancouver, Canada and Hong Kong. With a global reach, we hire only the best talent to build our bedwetting alarms and incontinence supplies.

Exceptional Team

Theos Medical Systems management and R&D team earned their degrees from elite universities. The executive team comes from the ranks of well-respected companies where they developed and brought to market multi-million and multi-billion-dollar products. Our background in incontinence supplies and development is not new and we have developed chummie bedwetting alarms with revolutionary patented technology not found in other bedwetting alarms.

Customer Support

When you purchase one of our chummie bedwetting alarms, you get access to our award winning customer and technical support specialists. Theos Medical Systems support team has received praise from parents and users constantly for exemplary support. We listen to your problem and help guide you from setup to advanced techniques with the Chummie bedwetting alarm throughout the incontinence treatment.

Incontinence Products

• Chummie Premium Bedwetting Alarm is the best bedwetting alarm treatment system for children and deep sleepers.
• Chummie Elite Bedwetting Alarm is a full featured, budget friendly bedwetting alarm treatment system for children.
• Chummie Pro Bedwetting Alarm is our bedside bedwetting alarm, ideal for older teens and adults who wet the bed.
The SlimFit design and large urine detection area of the mat ensures urine is detected every time for a fast treatment
• IntelliFlex sensor for Chummie Premium and Chummie Elite Bedwetting Alarms is powered with revolutionary One Drop Detection technology.
• IntelliFlex mat for Chummie Pro Bedside Bedwetting Alarms with SlimFit design and large urine detection area detects every time so no bedwetting accident is missed.

Please visit the Theos Medical Systems website for additional information.