Chummie Bedwetting Alarm
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stop bedwetting in 7 days

Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days

$ 22.99

SKU: BKSBSD Category:

Product Description

More than 750,000 children in the UK wet their beds at night accidentally. The problem occurs on most nights in 15% of five year olds and in 3% of 15 year olds. Alicia, who has been helping parents and their children conquer this habit for years, has written an easy-to-read seven-day guide on how to do this. The book uses the latest thinking from the fields of positive psychology, NLP and hypnotherapy. It is the second edition of what has already proved to be an extremely popular title, with nearly 20 success testimonials from parents on Amazon, including the following: “We’re so grateful for this book… In 18 months on our son has not had any accidents since completing the programme. It did stop. This works” “This book is fantastic. It is easy to read and the instructions are simple to follow – just what you need when you have suffered the horrendous problem of bedwetting. Alicia Eaton has great insight into the problems people endure and reading her words alone are a comfort” The book explores and explains the issue of bedwetting and guides readers clearly through each step. “Once these steps are established, there’s no looking back – you’ll have dry nights forever!” says author Alicia.


Bedwetting Book Review

Alicia Eaton is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Advanced Practitioner of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and was trained by Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna. She has run a successful practice, both in London’s Harley Street and Hertfordshire, since 2004.

Purchase the Bedwetting Book, Bedwetting Alarms and more at the Chummie Store.

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