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Stop Bed Wetting With Natural Remedies

how to stop bedwetting natural remedies

Stop Bed Wetting With Natural Remedies

Stop Bed Wetting With Natural Remedies

Most children even after the age of five do not out grow their bedwetting. Maybe they are deep sleeper or simply because the bladder does not have the ability to hold a larger amount of urine. How to stop bed wetting in children is very common question that makes Countless mothers spend sleepless nights worrying about their kid’s bedwetting problem. Bedwetting is the inability to control urine during sleep. If you are also looking to stop bed wetting with natural remedies or a bedwetting alarm you are at the right place. With proper precautions and using the below-given home remedies, one can overcome bedwetting problem.

Home Remedies to Stop Bed Wetting Naturally

  1. Cinnamon— Cinnamon is one of the most effective ways that can make your child stop wetting the bed at night. Make your child chew cinnamon bark once in a day. If he does not like chewing bark then make powder mix sugar and sprinkle over the toast.
  1. Cranberries— Cranberry juice is counted as one of the best home remedies to control bed wetting. Consumption of cranberry juice regularly after dinner cures the bed wetting symptoms soon.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar— Apple cider vinegar neutralizes the acidic pH of the urinary tract, thereby preventing bacteria from breeding and causing infection. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and have your child drink it with every meal.
  1. Indian Gooseberries—- Popularly known as amla, are extremely helpful in treating the problem of bed wetting in your child. Crush gooseberries & add honey (one teaspoon) and turmeric (a pinch) powder to it. Consume it every morning right after waking up.
  1. Honey— Honey is a natural sweetener, and it doesn’t add any fat to the body. Add a tablespoon of honey in his/her glass of milk, instead of sugar, to get the answer to stop bed wetting.
  1. Fennel Seeds—Another effective remedy for to stop bed wetting is fennel. Add one teaspoon of fennel and two tablespoons of sugar to a glass of warm milk. Give it to your child every day for beneficial results.
  1. Jaggery— Jaggery is known for its heating effects on the body. And when the body is warm, the problem of bed wetting doesn’t occur. A small piece of jaggery each morning, along with a cup of warm milk is very helpful to stop bed wetting.
  1. Mustard Powder— Mustard and its seeds are really beneficial in treating the problem of bed wetting. Use a half-teaspoon of dry mustard seed powder and add it to a cup of warm milk. Allow the child to drink this an hour before going to bed.
  1. Herbal Tea— Prepare herbal tea by boiling horsetail, bearberry and oak bark in water. Have the child drink a half a cup of the tea twice during the day, and one cup an hour before bed. When used regularly, it can stop bed wetting.
  1. Bananas— Bananas act as a binder in the stomach to reduce bed wetting potential. Have you child eat one to two bananas during the day that is good help for you to know to stop bed wetting.
  1. Walnuts and Raisins— Walnuts and raisins can also be used to reduce the frequency of bed wetting. Give your child two walnuts and five raisins before going to bed.
  1. Olive Oil— Olive oil is yet another effective and relieving home remedy to treat bed wetting. Apply warm olive oil on the belly and massage it for some time to strengthen the muscles, which will eventually help control the urinary pressure.
  1. Eating Pumpkin seeds— The pumpkin seeds are known to have a slightly diuretic function that helps to increase production of urine while they are sedated. Give your child seeds in the morning so that they can handle and learn how to control the bladder muscles.
  1. Bladder Exercises— you can make your child exercise to make his bladder stronger and better. All you have to do is drink a lot of water. When you have a sudden urge to urinate, you will have to control.
  1. Bed Wetting Alarms— The bed wetting alarm is the best solution for bed wetting. It’s about 75 percent effective, when used properly and when both parents and child are motivated. A bed wetting alarm wakes your child the second he wets the bed. The interruption in sleep can condition the brain to control the bladder better and help prevent accidents. Visit the Chummie Alarm Store for doctor recommended and award winning collection of bed wetting alarms.
Before trying for to stop bed wetting with natural remedies consult your doctor to find the right treatment for your child and let them help monitor the progress of the treatment. Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support.

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