Chummie Bedwetting Alarm
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Potty Training: Why Involve the Daycare?

potty training why involve daycare

Potty Training: Why Involve the Daycare?

Potty Training: Why Involve the Daycare?

Teachers and caregivers play an important role in every milestone of a child’s life. Potty training is no different. So, if you are planning to begin potty training, involving your child’s daycare provider in the process might help you. Here’s how.
  • Checking for Signs of Readiness
Your child’s daycare teachers spend considerable time with your child, and they can help you identify your child’s signs of readiness. For e.g. if your child is taking naps at the day care and wakes up dry or if your child shows discomfort in wet diapers or shows interest in learning about using big people’s toilet.
  • Helping You Make a Schedule
Most daycare providers track a child’s daily activities, and so they can help you identify the times your child is usually having a bowel movement or when he or she is usually using the restroom. Over the weekends or during holidays, you can try to replicate the schedule at home.
  • Sharing Handy Tips for Home Use
If your child doesn’t show much interest in potty training, daycare providers can suggest ideas they use with other children that might help you at home. For e.g. changing diapers in the toilet, teaching the child to flush or pulling out the toilet paper from the dispenser or decorating a potty chair with stickers of your child’s favorite cartoon character. If your child is four years and older and is still wetting the bed at night they can learn to use a Chummie Bedwetting Alarm when they are taking a big nap that can help them stop nighttime bedwetting when they use an alarm in the night. Teaching these tasks can get your child interested in the process, even if he or she still doesn’t pee or poop in there.
  • Handling Success and Setbacks
Since your daycare providers works with many children, they might be able to guide you about how to keep your child motivated through the process and how to handle setbacks when your child has an occasional accident. Many daycare providers suggest simple rewards, praises and splurging on those colorful underwear and panties with cartoon characters on them.  
  • Spotting the Cues for Number Two
Most children become pee pee trained first, before becoming potty trained. If your child has achieved the first milestone, work with your daycare provider to accomplish the second, and complete the process. Ask your daycare provider if your child shows any signs when he or she is about to have a bowel movement. Most children look for privacy or become disinterested in the activity they were engaged in or change facial expression. Knowing these cues beforehand will help you in your potty-training routine at home.
  • If he doesn’t succeed the first time, try, try again
Dress your child in loose-fitting clothes that he can easily take off himself, or buy underpants a size too big that can be good help for day care provider too when they are training your child. If your child still has trouble with potty training, don’t punish. Nothing can help your child learn potty training faster than making a child feel bad for having an accident.
  • Use a child sized toilet
Mostly all the day care schools have child size toilets where the daycare provider train them so it is better to have a small toilet in the house too that fixes the fear of not falling. Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support. Potty Training Suggestions for Busy Mothers Bedwetting Solutions to Stop Bedwetting Understanding Nocturnal Enuresis: Common Causes and Solutions Chummie: The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm with Most Advanced Features
  • WarrenUniva
    September 29, 2024

    I have been following these directions and using a bedwetting alarm to potty train my son. Good job!

  • LP
    September 29, 2024

    Excellent. I got the Chummie Potty Trainer.