Chummie Bedwetting Alarm
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bedwetting teenagers

Bedwetting Teenagers

Bedwetting Teenagers

Parents have a great deal of worry when their children enter the teenage years and have not yet overcome bedwetting. Parents worry that their bedwetting teenagers will continue to wet the bed and not be able to sleep dry at night. Bed wetting is more common than most parents think. More than 8 Million American children wet the bed at night because they are unable to control their bladder. However, a bedwetting teenager is expected to be more responsible for their actions and urges expected to overcome bed wetting before they hit 13 years. This is why a bedwetting teenager can put parents and guardians into a state of panic and worry when they do not stop wetting the bed at night.

The medical term for bedwetting is nocturnal enuresis. Bed wetting is defined as an involuntary action of urinating while sleeping among people who are at the age where they are supposed to exercise bladder control. Two types of nocturnal enuresis involve one who has not yet stayed dry and the other is for one who wets again after staying dry.

Boys wet the bed twice as much as girls. Most girls begin to stay dry at 6 and boys begin to stay dry at 7. In most cases, however, some kids still wet the bed in their sleep even up to the age of 10. Nearly 5% of 10-year old’s still wet the bed at night while around 3% of adults wet the bed at night. Only 5% of the bedwetting is attributed to certain medical conditions. The remaining 95% is the result of a delay in one’s bladder development.

Bedwetting does not cause to serious illnesses but can often damages self-esteem. It causes social isolation and can be detrimental to a teenagers’ confidence. If a child over age five has not stopped wetting the bed, the bed wetting should be a cause of concern. The inconvenience bedwetting poses on normal function of a person is enough for someone to think about it seriously. More so, social norms consider such thing as abnormal.

Medication does not cures bedwetting; it only treats the symptom. However, bedwetting can be treated and most bedwetting teenagers can stop bed wetting at any age.

Use of a bedwetting alarm the one with their advanced patented technology has made it possible for bedwetting teenagers and adults to stop wetting the bed in just a few weeks. Most bedwetting teenagers start to record dry nights in the very first few days and over time, the bedwetting teenagers brain gets trained to beat the alarm and eventually users stop wetting the bed. The Chummie Bedwetting Alarm is very helpful for a bedwetting teenager who wets the bed. A bedwetting teenager can use the wearable bedwetting alarm like the Chummie Premium Bedwetting Alarm or the Chummie Elite Bedwetting Alarm. Older bedwetting teen children can use a Bedside bedwetting alarm like the Chummie Pro Bedwetting Alarm. Whether it is a wearable or a Bedside bedwetting alarm, having one around is a good way to overcome bed wetting and eventually stop bed wetting.

Bedwetting Symptoms and Treatment

Top Five Bedwetting Myths

Benefits of Bedwetting Treatment

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