Daytime Bedwetting
Daytime Bedwetting
Daytime wetting also called diurnal enuresis is when a child who should be potty-trained has wetting accidents during the day. It can occur by itself or when a child is also having nighttime bedwetting. Daytime wetting is less common than nighttime bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis). Daytime wetting is twice as common in girls as it is boys. Nearly 1 out of 4 children particularly school-aged girls who wet the bed at night also wet during the day.
Daytime wetting (diurnal enuresis) is a different problem than simple nocturnal enuresis or nighttime bedwetting. Daytime bedwetting is generally:
- It is involuntary, meaning your child did not do it on purpose.
- Their toileting routine is very inconsistent.
- They often do not empty their bladders completely when they use the bathroom.
- When they try to hold their urine too long. To keep from wetting themselves.
- Daytime urine accidents for more than two or three days in a row.
- Uncontrollable urges to urinate.
There are many causes of accidental daytime bedwetting
- Constipation may be the cause of daytime bedwetting accidents. It has been known as a cause of bedwetting and uninhibited bladder muscle contractions. When your child’s colon is full, it can prevent your child to get the signal required to let them know they need to use the bathroom. A colon full of poop can put pressure on the bladder, which can lead to pee accident.
- A urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause daytime bedwetting too that may include: A strong urge to urinate. Even though little comes out when you do.
- Young children during their playtime or social activities, they forget to go to the bathroom or ignore their body’s signals. Normally they do not pay attention to their need to urinate.
- Stress or a change in life circumstances like addition of new sibling in the family or parents’ divorce can be emotional for children of any age. Accidental wetting often stops once your child’s stress is addressed.
- A child with a weak outlet valve which may lead to wet pants when laughing, coughing or straining.
Daytime Bedwetting Solutions
- Make sure your child pee more occasionally at least every two to three hours during the day even they do not have an urge to go.
- After doing wee tell your child to count to 20 and try to empty their bladders again. This reduces leftover wee in the bladder.
- Be patient and understanding respond gently if your child is wet even if you feel angry instead reassure your child, especially if they are upset.
- Having a soft bowel movement every day is very important in preventing daytime accidents.
- Reward your child for being dry. You may use hugs, stickers, or special treats as rewards.
- Don’t make your child wear a diaper. Wearing a diaper may make him or her feel babyish. Use waterproof bed pads instead.
- How to stop bedwetting? – Buy a Vibrating Potty Training Watch. You can set an alarm at regular intervals and tell your child to use the bathroom accordingly. The vibrating wristbands watch provide strong and discrete vibrations. You can also use a bedwetting alarm at night.
- To tackle bedwetting accidents is to get your child to have at least 6-8 cups of liquid like water, milk or any drinks spread throughout the day so the bladder gets used to being stretched.
Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support.
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