Bedwetting is also known as Enuresis. It occurs when there is an unintentional passage of urine during sleep. For most children bladder control, could be achieved by age 4 and it is normally noticed that daytime control is achieved prior to nighttime control. Though bedwetting is not very common in teens, there is a bedwetting solutions to help teens stop wetting the bed. In adults, however there could be one or more underlying factors, that needs to be understood. How to stop bedwetting has been a high priority issue for most families and we understand that. That’s why we offer bedwetting solutions that cater to children, teens and adults. Our bedwetting alarms and bedwetting kits include everything needed to stop bedwetting in children and teens and monitor bedwetting in adults.
To put it in simple terms, nocturnal enuresis is the involuntary urination that occurs at night. Millions of children, teens and adults wet the bed each night in the US alone. Overcoming bedwetting permanently is challenging and we understand that. At Chummie you can discuss your bedwetting needs with us or use our 15 second alarm selector to find the perfect alarm to overcome bedwetting in children and teens, and monitor bedwetting in adults.
How to stop bedwetting in boys and girls could be challenging and this will require you as a parent to help in the treatment process. At Chummie, we want your child to put an end to bedwetting forever. So, we offer doctor recommended, award winning alarms that can stop bedwetting in your child in just a few weeks. Our alarms are patented, safe, effective and easy to use. The soft silicon sensor in our alarms will detect the first drop of urine and will allow for a more comfortable sleep at night. If you need help choosing an alarm or at any time during the treatment process, we are just a call away.
Put an End to Bedwetting Forever
Few tips on how to stop bedwetting permanently in boys and girls
Bedwetting in teenagers is a of utmost importance to most families. Having wet the bed for several years can be frustrating and we understand that. Some teens set alarms at set intervals at night to use the bathroom while others limit their fluid intake, but this approach comes with little or no luck. That’s where we come in. Our teen selection of award winning, doctor recommended bedwetting alarms can stop nighttime bedwetting in teenagers permanently. Our alarms are patented, safe, effective and easy to use. If you need help choosing an alarm or at any time during the treatment process, we are just a call away.
Put an End to Bedwetting Forever
Some tips on how to stop bedwetting in teenagers permanently
Adult bedwetting could be due to one or many underlining factors. Bedwetting in adults is not the same as children or teens. Infact adult bedwetters would have resorted to waterproof bed pads to help absorb urine at night and protect their bed and it’s wise to decide the type of waterproof bed pads that would be the best fit daily use. At Chummie, we want adult bedwetters to monitor their bedwetting more effectively and wake up sooner to have themselves cleaned up. Our Chummie PRO bedwetting alarm can monitor or stop nighttime bedwetting in adults. Chummie alarms are patented, safe, effective and easy to use. If you have any questions about the Chummie PRO alarm before purchase or at any time during the treatment process, we are just a call away.
Monitor/Stop Bedwetting
Scroll above to apply a Skin
Comfortable Alarm
8-tones, lights and vibration
Some quick tips on how to stop bedwetting or monitor bedwetting in adults
Get a waterproof bed pad. Waterproof bed pads will help absorb the urine and protect your bed at the same time. These beddings are available as quilted, reversible, bamboo and more. If you need help deciding call us to discuss you needs and we can help you with the bedding that’s best for you.
Reduce caffeinated drinks. Caffeine simulates the bladder to produce more urine. Try avoiding drinks such as tea, coffee, energy drinks, sodas etc. Trial and error might help you narrow down one such reason for more urine.
Try Adult Diapers. Some adults prefer to use diapers at daytime. While other use it both during daytime and nighttime. We offer a large variety of adult diapers for your convenience.
Set a schedule to urinate with a Vibrating Watch. A reminder/vibrating watch will help the user get up at night to urinate and empty the bladder. Setting different times every few days is a good idea, this will avoid getting accustomed to any one time.
Use a bedwetting alarm designed for adult bedwetters. We recommend that adults monitor their bedwetting with the Chummie PRO Bedside Bedwetting Alarm. Here, the alarm unit is kept on the bedside and the urine sensor is placed below the bedsheet. Upon detecting urine, the alarm alerts the user to wake up, so they can clean themselves. Since the comfortable sensor is placed below the bedsheet, this will allow for a better night sleep.
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