Should I Worry About My Child’s Bedwetting?
When your child is old enough to get up at night to go to the bathroom and empty their bladder but instead they wet the bed every night, it is worrisome. You’re wondering whether you should wait and...
Bedwetting Alarm - Tips for Faster Success
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is a common problem faced by children over 7 year of age and is also called nighttime incontinence. It is involuntary urination while asleep after the age at which staying dry at night can be reasonably...
Bedwetting Training for Children
Parents are frustrated, exhausted and tired of washing a big load of waterpoof mattress pads every morning because your child is already six years old or more, is in school – and they’re still wetting the bed at night. This is a...
Top Five Bedwetting Myths
Bedwetting is a common problem in children all across the world. Parents tend to hear different things about bedwetting and rarely speak to a professional due to the nature of the topic. Outlined below are the top 5 frequent misconceptions on bedwetting...
Visiting your Doctor; Bedwetting Checklist
Bed wetting is a concerning issue for both parents and children. Parents are concerned that their child will wet the bed forever and often wonder how to stop bedwetting. Children are worried that their friends and family will find out that...
Bladder Infection in Women
If you have bladder infection, you make countless trips to the bathroom and still you feel like you have to go again and you feel burning or stinging every time you pee. When you get a bladder infection, it leads to cystitis,...