Will My Child Stop Bedwetting?
Will My Child Stop Bedwetting?
Are you are frustrated to see your child who goes to school but still wets the bed at night?
Are you are training them to sleep dry at night by limiting liquids after dinner and waking them up in night to empty their bladder but still no luck?
Are you are worried that something may be seriously wrong with your child’s sleep pattern or bladder?
Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is a common occurrence in many young children, even if they have been potty trained well during the daytime. Bedwetting is not restricted to children who are 6-7 years old, but some older kids as well as teens may not necessarily be able to stay dry at night. Bedwetting causes a shame and frustration, particularly when children or teens do not seem to be growing out of it or are regressing back into the behavior.
The good news is that bedwetting is treatable. To help solve your child’s bedwetting you need to find few answers.
- Is there a family history of bedwetting?
- Is your child a deep sleeper?
- Does your child frequently experience constipation?
- Is your child having symptoms of anxiety or snores at night?
- Have they started bedwetting again after no episodes for at least six months?
- Do certain types of food or drinks trigger more bedwetting episodes?
- To deal with your child’s bedwetting you must take few steps.
Here are some steps you can take to help your child stop bedwetting for better quality of life.
Talk to the Pediatrician About Bedwetting – Bedwetting could also be caused by diabetes, sleep apnea, urinary tract infection, hormone imbalance, chronic constipation, or some other issue. Your child’s doctor can evaluate them. Be sure the problem is not stress related or due to an underlying medical condition.
Acknowledge the bedwetting – Potty training does not simply help stop your child from having accidents but they also need to learn bladder training mechanisms. Not all children are able to hold urine during their sleep or are able to wake up when they need to use the toilet. Some children have smaller bladders than other children of the same age, which may cause wetting the bed. Assure your child that bedwetting in children is common. It is nothing to be ashamed of and almost all children eventually outgrow it.
Technique called “lifting.” – Make sure your child goes to the bathroom right before they go to the bed, and then waking them up after they have been asleep two or three hours and taking them to the toilet. Double voiding helps too. Let them empty their bladder twice before they sleep.
Consider a bedwetting alarm – The most common treatment for nighttime enuresis is known as a bedwetting alarm. It consists of a device that a child wear at night that has a sensor. The alarm makes noise when it becomes wet and ideally waking up the child in time for him to go to the bathroom. Slowly within few weeks with alarm your child’s brain is trained and understand when the bladder is full, and they get up before they wet the bed. Find a large variety of the best bedwetting alarms at the Chummie store. Visit the Chummie store for for big variety of bedwetting alarms, waterproof mattress pads, urine stain removers and bedwetting solutions.
Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support.
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