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Bedwetting Tips, Advice and Support

bedwetting tips advice support

Bedwetting Tips, Advice and Support

Bedwetting Tips, Advice and Support

When your child is having bedwetting problem it is not easy for children and parents to manage. Fortunately, there are many useful resources like books, blogs, communication with other parents and of course the internet that can help you along the way and the place to look only depends on what you are looking for.

If your child is getting up wet every morning and struggling to stay dry at night, they are likely wondering how to stop bedwetting. You do want to know the reason for it and the choices available to you to manage the situation. The following resources have been gathered to help you find what you need to help manage bedwetting.

The important information you want to gather is on

How widespread is your child’s bedwetting?

Why does my child get up wet every morning?

What type of options are available to manage the situation?

Parents of older bedwetting children do not like talking about it but wetting the bed at night is more common than you imagine. Among about ten percent of children aged five will wet their bed nearly every night. It’s frustrating for you, and your child may be scared, sad and embarrassed. Parent do need to know more about bedwetting. To get advice and support it is good to know what other parents who have gone through the same situation or who can understand what you and your family are going through. The most important key to handle this situation is for you to try to be patient – bedwetting is not your child’s fault or yours. Treat it as a challenge you work on together rather than a problem. In the majority of cases, bedwetting will stop eventually and there are Bedwetting tips you can for help.

  • If you feel that your child’s bedwetting is stress-related like change in family structure, you’ve moved their school or your child is experiencing bullying then try to work on this issue before you start on a new regime.
  • Avoid giving water or any drink at least two hours before their bedtime.
  • Try to avoid putting your child in pull-ups or a nappy – it might help that they can feel when they’re wet at night time. To keep your bed stain and urine free you can buy waterproof matress pads and urine stain removers. Waterproof mattress pads are comfortable to sleep on and good protection for your mattress.
  • Use a bedwetting alarm they are attached to night wear, which has sensor that trigger on detecting moisture so your child can get up and go to the loo. The aim is to ‘re-programme’ the brain to alert your bedwetting boy or girl to wake before they have to go to the bathroom. Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support.

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