Chummie Bedwetting Alarm
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Visiting your Doctor; Bedwetting Checklist

Visiting your Doctor Bedwetting Checklist

Visiting your Doctor; Bedwetting Checklist

Visiting your Doctor; Bedwetting Checklist

Bed wetting is a concerning issue for both parents and children. Parents are concerned that their child will wet the bed forever and often wonder how to stop bedwetting. Children are worried that their friends and family will find out that they wet the bed at night. Through worrying, your child can develop low self-esteem. Most children outgrow bedwetting as their body develops, however, finding the root cause of bed wetting and treating it with a bedwetting alarm or medication might help speed up the process. There are several bedwetting solutions that  can make it more manageable for children and their families. The most important thing to try and work out first is why the bedwetting is happening.
  • Find out what cause’s bedwetting
  • Track your child’s wetting using night time diary
  • Take a look at tips for things you can try at home to help your child overcome bedwetting
  • Read our blog about children and bedwetting
Begin by figuring out if your child is in need of medical attention to stop bedwetting. Below is a list of common questions to ask yourself before scheduling a doctor’s appointment for your child.
  • Is your child between the age of 6 and 7?
  • Have your child began wetting the bed after staying dry for a few months?
  • Is there painful urination, discoloration, or unusual thirst?
  • Is your child’s stool hard?
  • Does your child snore?
  • Does bed wetting run in the family?
  • Is your child stressed?
  • Do they have difficulty waking up and sleeping?
  • Did your child potty train early?
  • Have you tried home remedies, but they don’t seem to work for you?
  • Are you considering medication for sleepovers?
  • Your child has other problems urinating in the day which may include:
    • Hesitating to pee
    • Straining to pee
    • Weak stream of urination
    • Dribbling after urination
    • Feeling genital pain while urinating
If you answered yes to most of these questions, schedule an appointment to speak to your doctor about how you can help your child. You can check with your physician if getting a bedwetting alarm for children can help your child to stop bed wetting. Sometimes, your child just needs a combination of treatment such as positive motivation and bedwetting alarms. Finding the underlying bedwetting cause and treating it in time can boost your child’s self-confidence and enhance their social life. Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support. Bedwetting: Setting A Goal Painful Urination in Children Type 1 Diabetes and Bedwetting
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