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Type1 Diabetes and Bedwetting

type1 diabetes bedwetting

Type1 Diabetes and Bedwetting

Type1 Diabetes and Bedwetting

Wondering if there is a connection between Type 1 Diabetes and Bedwetting? Well, if your child is experiencing increased urination or has started suddenly wetting at night, there could be association between Type 1 diabetes and bedwetting. Type 1 Diabetes is a challenging situation for you and your child and requires close monitoring. However, your child is not the only one affected by it. Research shows that in the United States, nearly 13,000 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every year. Why it happens Type 1 diabetes is the result of high sugar levels in the blood. It happens because your immune system destroys the cells in your pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin—the hormone that moves sugar (glucose) into the tissues for your cells to use. In absence of insulin, the sugar doesn’t move and stays in your blood, leading to high sugar levels.  As a result the urgency and frequency to pee increases.  You would see your child urinating with much more frequency during the day. At night when children are asleep, they may not be able to wake up fast enough to pee, which leads to bedwetting. The increased urination is body’s way of flushing out extra sugar and controlling sugar levels.  The increased water loss in form of urine makes a child thirsty causing the child to have more water. What you can do Many children lead a healthy life, despite being Type 1 diabetic. The key is managing sugar levels. Balanced sugar levels can help you control Type 1 diabetes and bedwetting both. Here is what you can do to help your child.
  • Set up an appointment with your child’s pediatrician. Your child’s doctor would check for sugar levels and may order urine test to check for glucose.
  • Encourage your child to Exercise. Ensure your child is exercising enough to keep sugar levels in control. Discuss with the pediatrician the kind and amount of exercise your child should be doing daily.
  • Use a bedwetting alarm for your child that develops brain Bladder connection and make your child get up before they wet the bed at night.
  • Develop a healthy eating plan. Educate yourself about the role of crabs, fat and protein in your child’s body to understand how food affects the sugar level, and plan out his or her meals and snacks accordingly. If you need help ask your doctor about a registered dietitian or a diabetic educator.
  • Maintain the balance between the insulin doses with the activities your child engages in during the day.  Keep a track of insulin levels to track how an activity affects it.
  • Keep your bed protected from unwanted urine stains by using waterproof mattress pads.
Maintaining the right balance between the medication and healthy lifestyle habits can help you tackle Type 1 diabetes and stop bedwetting permanently. Visit Chummie – The World’s Best Bedwetting Alarm for buying a bedwetting alarm tips, advice and support. Potty Training and Healthy Toilet Habits Bladder Infection in Women Bedwetting and Stress
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